We’re sorry to report that we’ve sold this house and we will no longer be responsible for renting it out for shoots. Contact Scott via contact page to find out the latest information about the new ownership and availability. It’s been fun! We thank you for your interest! —The Dream Together House Team

Contact Scott for more info: scott[at]dreamtogetherhouse[dot]com

Located in the tree-lined, film-friendly neighborhood known variously as Ditmas Park or Victorian Flatbush, this was the perfect setting for TV, movie, commercial, film, print or video productions. Our home was updated, clean, and large, with sunny rooms and an open floorplan that made it easy to transform into any time period or setting with minimal effort. The front yard could also be used for outdoor shoots, staging or food service. 

As hosts, we had flexible schedules that allow for both large, complex multi-day shoots as well as quick and simple half or one-day shoots. The neighborhood is a favorite with TV shows such as The Blacklist, Blue Bloods, and Limitless, along with films such as Bridge of Spies, Sophie's Choice, The Departed, and They Came Together (the last of which featured scenes filmed in our home). We also had two driveways that can be made available and an ample, fenced-in yard and wrap-around porch that was perfect for catering or talent waiting areas.

Sample Shoots

RECENT: eos “Obligation Celebration” directed by the amazing Danielle Levitt: “eos: obligation celebration” — NEW IN 2021!!

RECENT: Quit Poocrastinating with the PetSafe® ScoopFree®: “Quit Poocrastinating”

RECENT: Saucony: Endorphin Collection: You but faster ... than your dog: “Endorphin Collection”

RECENT: SNL “Pound Puppy” with Don Cheadle and the SNL cast: “Pound Puppy”

RECENT: LOVE Your You / Katie Willcox - Love by GapBody Spring '19: “LOVE Your You”

RECENT: Sennheiser XS Wireless Digital “An Instant Connection”

RECENT: SNL “House Hunters” with Liev Schreiber and Leslie Jones: “House Hunters”

RECENT: Another in the Keegan-Michael Key "Translator" series for Quicken Loans, which aired during the NBA Finals: "Lingo" 

CHECK IT OUT! Saturday Night Live: “Crucible Cast Party" (featuring Lin-Manuel Miranda)

RECENT: MTV Reese’s Halloween commercial “Please Take One”

NEW: Slomin's Shield: Two versions of commercial spot "What's the Slomin's Shield?" and "What's the Slomin's Shield?" 2

NEW: Quicken Loans "Translator" with Keegan-Michael Key: "Curling"  and here's a behind the scenes look at the entire shoot: "Translator"

NEW: Versa Smart Speaker by Altec Lansing: "Alexa, play my Maria playlist"

NEW: Go Sports Water/Yankees Water: "Santa Has a New Favorite Drink" — This commercial actually helped my Red Sox win the 2018 World Series!

"Aardvark" feature film opened at Tribeca Film Festival: The drama, written and directed by Brian Shoaf, stars Jenny Slate, Zachary Quinto, Jon Hamm, Sheila Vand, Tonya Pinkins, and Marin Ireland. Parts of the film were shot in Dream Together House: "Aardvark"

Decoupage Productions/Nickelodeon: Kid's Choice Awards 2015 teaser

Decoupage Productions/Cottonelle: "Hammer Pants"

Subvoyant Corp/MidNite Sleep Aid: "Wake Refreshed"

Optimum - Department of Simple: "Cat Scan" and "Personal Accountant"

Atlantic Broadband: "Chat" and "Boys" and "Binge"

New York Lottery: "Holiday Wishes"